Microsoft Surface


On the last post we checked out Trampe, the bicycle escalator. Pretty cool stuff right? Now I'm gonna talk about another pretty damn cool stuff called the Microsoft Surface. You probably know of the Apple Ipad right? And now its the hype of tech junkies everywhere. Well, this was Microsoft's 'Ipad', albeit a huge one.

Basically, it looks like this. A table top with a large multi-touch surface.

Microsoft Surface is actually a new invention from Microsoft (or at least it was way back in 2008). It is a revolutionary multi-touch computer that responds to natural hand gestures and real world objects. With a large, horizontal user interface, Surface offers a unique gathering place where users can collaboratively interact with data and each other.

For users, Microsoft Surface signifies a fundamental change in the way we interact with digital content. Leave the keyboard and mouse behind. Just grab the digital content with hands to move information with simple touches. Surface also acts together with objects to enable us to transfer data between devices like mobiles and phone.

For business purposes, it provides a huge potential to improve communication, and increases efficiency in how they deliver information and services to their customers. The multi-touch and multi-users capabilities create an amazingly mutual experience, where sharing and exploring information is easier than ever.

What makes Microsoft Surface is unique and incredible impressive? First, the direct interaction with users without using any mouse and keyboard. Second, the large, horizontal, 30 inches display provides a collaborative, face-to-face computing experience. Third, the multi-touch screen which responds to many points of contact simultaneously. And the last is object recognition which trigger different types of digital response.

Microsoft Surface uses cameras and image recognition in the infrared spectrum to recognize different types of objects like fingers, tagged items and shapes. This input is then processed by the computer and the resulting interaction is displayed using rear projection. The users can manipulate content and interact with the computer using natural hand touches and gestures which then results in a fun, social and exciting experience you have never had before.

Source: Microsoft


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