Advertise in AGEzine!


We here in AGEzine! also provide advertising service for your businesses. :)

Price list;
  • 125x125 (header) spot: RM30/month
  • 150x50 (sidebar) spot: RM10/month
So, what benefits do you get from our service?
Most of our visitors are people who are looking for something new in the market and entrepreneurs-to-be. By promoting here, you'll get a bigger exposure for your business among these potential customers of yours. Besides that, all the money will be straightly wired into SIFEUTP account - which will be later injected into our projects' budget, so that means; you are also helping us in turning people's lives around. Gain more for yourself when you help others. We are honored to have you in our quest to fight poverty in our country. :)

Feel free to contact us;
Phone: 0148026975 (Hadi)

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