Tooth Fairy


Director: Michael Lembeck
Genre: Family Comedy
Movie Type: 13PG
Main Cast: Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock)
Release Year: 22.01.2010

Tooth Fairy casts Johnson as Derek Thompson, a hockey player who has a nickname, ‘The Tooth Fairy’. He got his name for his brutal attack that costs his opponent a tooth. He always shatters other’s people hopes because he does not belief the existent of fairies and the important of dreams. He even shattered his girlfriend’s daughter belief about the tooth fairy. Because of his daring attitude and belief, he was charged with ‘disseminating disbelief’ and ordered to spend two weeks collecting kiddie’s teeth (tooth fairy). He also had wings, a uniform and a bag that will help him to this his new job.

The movie is supposed about Johnson’s new job, tooth fairies. However, the sequences are flat and we can easily predicted what is going to happened when he do his job.  We can also see a big gap between Johnson and supporting actor like Stephen Merchant and Billy Crystal. Its look likes there are lack of comic chemistry between these actors. However, the movie is only successful when the hero lives in the real world, struggle to bond with his girlfriend son who is talented in music but has no self confidence and wrestling with his own disappointment and frustrated. It’s a good start for Johnson to start acting in this kind of comedy especially when he is surrounding with children. Overall, the story line is less predictable than what we can expect. It’s a good think as we will not easily get bored and keep our curiosity till the end of the movie.

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